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Wednesday, April 28, 2010


These were done for Patti and Brett Simpson of Dothan, at there beach house
in Panama City, FL.

Sun room


Church windows


yard art

i do these sometimes, just some random little art pieces. Hang them in
a tree or just put them in a window, they fit ever so nicely.

kitchen cabinet windows

Some simple kitchen cabinet windows I did for Susan and David Holmes


I really enjoy restoration jobs. It's very rewarding to restore old pieces of stained
glass, thinking about how it was originally built and all the history behind it. Makes me
proud of my craft.

i did this front door transom for Pat & Tom Jenkins of dothan. The gave
me a picture of an Alaskan sunset, and i did my best to fit it
in the small space i was given.
this panel fits above a kitchen window. I used cathedral glass for most of it
and sandblasted the back side so you cant see through it but it still lets light in.
Just some simple kitchen cabinet windows

complete entryway plus extra transom

this is a beveled entryway i did for Mike Swicord in Bainbridge, GA.
this is an 8 ft half round transom above the front door. it was hard to get a good picture because the chandelier was right in front of the window.

sidelights that match the transom

This transom is in the dining room. It matches the entryway transom exactly except its on a 5 ft. half round